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Yaki Onigiri with Sweet Miso

Prep Time:

5 Minutes

Cook Time:

10 Minutes


2 Servings



About the Recipe

This recipe combines two of Japan's quintessential foodstuffs - rice and miso. I hand mould the onigiri which is easy to do with a little practice. Every Japanese has their favourite method of cooking onigiri - the old school method is to grill over charcoal but you can use a modern grill, or, as I do here, dry fry your onigiri in a pan.


260g cooked Japanese rice

1/2 tbsp miso

1/2 tbsp mirin

1 tsp sugar

1 tsp veg oil

yaki-onigiri are usually grilled but you can use a dry-frying method if you prefer (just wipe an oiled piece of kitchen paper around the pan). they’re also great made over a barbecue.


combine the miso, sugar & mirin into a paste

wet your hands, take up 1/2 the rice and form a triangular shaped ball

repeat for your second onigiri

heat the oil in a frying pan, when it’s hot, wipe away the excess oil with kitchen paper

dry fry the rice balls for 5 mins or until the bottoms are lightly browned and crispy

turn and spread the miso paste over the tops while dry frying for another 4-5 mins

sprinkle with some sesame seeds

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