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Alcohol free Mojito cocktail

Prep Time:

15 Minutes

Cook Time:

0 Minutes


2 Servings



About the Recipe

I am one of the millions of Japanese who are alcohol intolerant. One sip of alcohol and I turn bright red and withing minutes my head is swimming and I have to lie down. Not good! So, if like me, you either cannot or choose not to, drink alcohol, then try out this alcohol free Mojito cocktail - I guarantee you'll love it!


1 lime

1 lemon

1 medium /large orange

1 tsp sugar

2 sprigs of mint (1 sprig is for your garnish)

5/6 ice cubes

1 bottle of Indian tonic water


cut 1 cm / 1/2 inch slice from the orange and cut the slice into 4 pieces and  put the pieces into a jug

remove the top from the lime and cut the lime in half. as with the orange, cut the half into 4 pieces and add to the jug

remove the top of the lemon. repeat as for the lime above

add the mint leaves from one of the sprigs fresh mint to the jug

add the tsp of the sugar to the jug

using a pestle or the end of a rolling pin, mash the fruit and mint in a pulp in the jug

put the ice cubes into a pestle and mortar (or blender) and break into smaller pieces (but don't break the ice into a slush)

to assemble your alcohol free mojito, pour the juice from the fruit pulp into 2 cocktail glasses. use a small sieve to catch any bites of fruit and when the juice stops draining from the fruit pulp, spoon the pulp into the sieve and use a spoon to press out any remaining juice

add 1/2 the crushed ice to each glass

pour the tonic water into the glasses

for the decoration, cut 2 x 5mm / 1/2 inch slices of lime 1 5mm / 1/2 slice of orange. halve the orange slice. use a knife to make cuts in the middle of each slice, so the fruit can sit on the rim of your cocktail glasses

sit the lime and orange slices on the rim of the cocktail glasses

decorate each glass with a sprig of mint and serve

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