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Spaghetti Napolitan (Japanese Ketchup Pasta)

Prep Time:

15 Minutes

Cook Time:

15 Minutes


2 Servings



About the Recipe

Spaghetti first became popular in Japan during the 1950's when the Japanese began to embrace Western foods with some gusto. Nowadays, it is rare to visit any Japanese high street without seeing one or more of the Italian chain restaurants that have grown up over the decades, Don't expect a classic Italian style dish here, the accent is on fruity flavours and a fast treat - ketchup and frankfurters rule the day here rather than passata and olives!


150g spaghetti (dry weight)

1 clove, garlic

1 small onion (approx. 100g)

40g green pepper

40g yellow pepper

4 mushrooms

4 frankfurters

1 tbsp veg oil

5 tbsp tomato ketchup

1 tbsp bull-dog sauce

1/8 tsp pepper

40g cheddar cheese


halve & thinly slice the onion 

do the same with the peppers and mushrooms

slice the frankfurters diagonally into 1.5 cm / 3/4 inch pieces

bring a full pan of water to the boil in a pan & cook the spaghetti* for 8-10 mins, before draining

heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, stir fry the garlic & onion

for 1 min

add the frankfurters and fry for 4 mins, then turn the heat to low.

add the spaghetti, ketchup & bull-dog sauce and mix everything together well

your Japanese spaghetti napolitan is ready. sprinkle with cheddar cheese just before serving

add & stir fry the peppers & mushrooms for another 1 min

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